Rebecca Lee Creative

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Grazing Table | Styled Shoot

There’s something incredible wonderful about spending time together with friends & family over good food. I’m a long-time lover of picnics and putting in that little bit of extra care & love into presenting food. However there’s not always the time or space needed to devote to organising a grazing table or styling your own picnic masterpiece. And that’s where wonderfully beautiful people like Sarah come into the picture. Sarah caters and styles beautiful picnics, platters and grazing tables on the Central Coast NSW. I recently got to photograph one of her wonderful picnics where we showcased some of the new products available through Wish Boutique Stationery.

“One of the very nicest things about life is the way we must regularly stop whatever it is we are doing and devote our attention to eating”

Luciano Pavarotti

“A picnic is more than eating a meal, it is a pleasurable state of mind”


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I just love creative collaboration - finding people with different skills and bringing them together to create something magical! If you’ve got a creative (or crazy!) idea, I’d love to collaborate ! Just jump right on over to my contact page here.