The Matterhorn, Switzerland


Hello! Here's another travel blog post to share.. and this one's a special one - it features one of my absolute favourite days from our adventures! 
The credit for this incredible day goes entirely to my husband, Matt. I hadn't even thought of visiting the Matterhorn and he planned and researched this whole part of our trip. We decided to do the Five Lakes Hike to get our view of the famous Matterhorn mountain and after a brief stroll around Zermatt, we took the cable car up the mountain and bravely stepped out into the wilderness (the well signposted + clearly marked trails kind of wilderness...) 

Matt and I always seem to forget how much we love hiking, every time we go we have the best time and plan to go more often, but in reality we probably only do one hike a year if we're lucky. Also - it's not the Matterhorn if you don't take Toblerone with you..!

Toblerone at the Matterhorn

The walk was perfect for beginners like us, I think it's  technically classified as 'medium' because it's quite long (9km) and takes an estimated 2 and 1/2 hours according to the website... I should add that it took us well over 4 hours, probably because we took a few detours and tried to follow directions from people speaking a different language to us. 

We were so lucky to have an absolutely perfectly sunny day! Apparently it's just pure chance if you get to see the Matterhorn without clouds and for most of our walk it was in full view. We stopped briefly at each lake and Matt took a quick & freezing swim in one. 

We absolutely loved Switzerland, it's a country I want to come back and experience in every season. We also visited Lucerne, Interlaken, Lauterbrunnen and Montreux but after reading this article by Jen Reviews I've found even more things I need to do in this gorgeous country! 

You can get a little more insight into our adventure with Matt's video below! Enjoy x